ISLAMABAD: The government has so far acquired 32,073 acres of land for the important Diamer Basha Dam project which is expected to be completed by April, 2029 and would meet the growing water and power needs of the country.
The acquired land is around 90 per cent of the total required 35,924 acres of land for the project.
The official information revealed that total estimated cost of Diamer Basha Dam project is Rs 1406, 122 million which includes PC-I (acquisition of land & resettlement Rs 175,436 million, PC-I (Dam Part Rs. 479,686 million while cost for PC-I (Power Generation Facilities yet to be approved) is Rs 751,000 million.
Similarly, the amount spent by previous governments on the dam is Rs 86,685 million under acquisition of land & resettlement (AL&R) since 2009-10 while present government has spent Rs. 30273 million under AL&R and Rs 51555 million under dam part.
The total amount of Rs 116,158 million has been spent under AL&R and Rs. 51,555 million under dam part.
The information further revealed that Supreme Court of Pakistan is custodian of dam fund. The total amount of the Funds collected for project so far is Rs 12,934,008,868 up to July 15, 2021. Moreover, thanks to present government which is giving priority to completion of mega power projects and had earmarked Rs 15,500 million for Dam Part and Rs 7,000 million for AL&R during fiscal year 2020-21.
As per plan for construction, the Consultants for main works have commenced their services from October last year while Contractor for Main Dam works have been mobilized at site after signing of Contract Agreement with commencement date as August 07, 2020.
As per financing plan, the Acquisition of Land & Resettlement is being financed by government of Pakistan as Rs 106,897 million has been released against PC-I (AL&R) amounting to Rs 175,436 million.
Similarly, financing plan for Dam part includes Rs. 233,686 million under government share, Rs 144,000 million under commercial financing and Rs 100,000 million under WAPDA equity.
The financing plan of power generation facilities includes Rs 76,000 million under WAPDA Equity, Rs. 429,000 million under Commercial Financing and Rs. 246,000 under Integrated Water Flow Model Demand Calculator (IDC) which shall be recovered through tariff.